
Personal data will be stored at any given time only if you receive a product and/or service from Pura Vida Lodge Sarl or in case you have given your explicit consent. Personal data will be stored by:
Entrepreneur: Sven Daans
Business name: Pura Vida Lodge Sarl
Office address: 50 Avenue Maurice Martin, 40200 Mimizan Plage,France
Email address: info@puravidalodge.com
Telephone number: +33 (0) 6 10956909
Pura Vida Lodge Sarl is bound by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), keeping costumer administration and data management for analysis and marketing purposes. Pura Vida Lodge Sarl has the duty to carry out its responsibilities under the GDPR. Pura Vida Lodge Sarl is responsible for all data processing on behalf of Pura Vida Lodge Sarl, which includes https://www.puravidalodge.com.
Pura Vida Lodge Sarl collects and processes personal data for costumers administration, the general implementation of the agreement, the collection of payments, the website, personal marketing and to comply with legal obligations.
The personal data collected by Pura Vida Lodge Sarl will serve mainly to comply with the agreement relating to the provision of a product and/or service by Pura Vida Lodge Sarl. If this data is not provided, Pura Vida Lodge Sarl is unable to fulfil its contractual obligations.
Pura Vida Lodge Sarl handles your personal data with utmost care and does everything reasonably possible to store you data in a safe manner. Possible data breaches will be reported to both the “Data Protection Authority (DPA)” and those whose personal data may have been compromised. In the event of a data breach, Pura Vida Lodge Sarl will always take appropriate measures to safeguard the integrity of the website.
If you feel that your personal information is used, gained, saved and/or obtained incorrectly, and it is despite numerous requests impossible to delete your information, you can submit a complaint at the DPA at any time.
Pura Vida Lodge Sarl stores the following types of your personal data:
– to implement the agreement for the provided service: your name, gender, date of birth, address, postal code, city, telephone number and/or email address;
– to pay and handle invoices: your name, address, postal code, city, telephone number and/or email address;
– to request a quotation: your name and email address;
– to distribute newsletters: your name and email address;
– to handle complaints and questions: your name, telephone number and/or email address.
Personal data is never stored for a longer period than is strictly necessary and can be viewed, altered and removed by you at any time. When using pictures or other images showing natural people, Pura Vida Lodge Sarl will always first ask permission of the person whose picture or image will be used. Viewing, altering and removing (including the right to be permanently removed), and withdrawing your consent can be effected by means of the newsletter or through a clear statement addressed to info@puravidalodge.com
We will remove your personal data:
– in relation to the implementation of the agreement: 5 years after termination of the agreement for possible future agreements, unless you have explicitly given permission to store the personal data for a longer period or if the data must be kept for a longer period due to legal regulation or provision;
– in relation to payment and handling invoices: 7 years after paying the relevant invoice, in order to fulfil the legal obligation of the Tax Authorities;
– in relation to handling complaints and questions: after satisfactory resolution of the complaint;
– in relation to the request for a quotation: 60 days after sending the obligation-free quotation;
– in relation to the newsletter: after cancellation.
To comply in accordance with the agreement, Pura Vida Lodge Sarl is able to employ a number of external parties whom may also have access to your data . In any case these parties will only store your data for the amount of time required to perform their work. This personal data will under no circumstances be used for any purposes other than the work performed on behalf of Pura Vida Lodge Sarl, unless the people who are involved explicitly have been asked for permission. All external transfers of personal data are subject to data Processing Agreements.
For the hosting of the website/app, Pura Vida Lodge Sarl uses a webhosting party. Personal data, insofar as it is required for the hosting of the website/app, will be made available to the webhosting party.
For the distribution of its newsletter, Pura Vida Lodge Sarl uses an email service provider. Personal data, insofar as it is required for the distribution of the newsletter, will be made available to the email service provider.
In case you wish to receive more information about which data is used by the external parties, you can send an email to info@puravidalodge.com
Pura Vida Lodge Sarl is at liberty to compile a blacklist in relation to personal data of people who have committed a serious infringement of the trust invested in them by Pura Vida Lodge Sarl. The blacklist will be retained indefinitely and access will only be given to a very limited group of employees of Pura Vida Lodge Sarl. The blacklist will be stored, also for future deals of Pura Vida Lodge Sarl. People who fail to meet payments despite repeatedly requested, will be included on the blacklist.